画像の写真やマグカップのデザインは「ためこ」さんという絵描きさんのものです。気になる方はこちら: 「ためこ部屋」
ここを見て、カップがない・・・あ、紅茶を入れていたんだっけ・・・ と、5分後ぐらいに気づくわけである。
ほぼ、ADHD である。
で、詩を書いてTodo list を書いて・・・とやって朝を迎えて、掃除をしてから作業を開始した。
Dear my friends,
I am sorry that I haven't posted any meaningful thing since the last Saturday. And, I am also sorry that I called you friends of mine since we haven't spoken truthfully yet to each other. Please accept my apology.
Now, I have to explain my behavior so I want you to understand one thing: why a man and woman cannot understand each other. Here's my guess.
When a human decides a thing, probably there's three ways of thinking. A heart, brain, and body. Throughout the evolution, animals, including human beings, have tried so hard to survive to pass on their bleeds, supporting one another. The smallest unit was a man and woman, because without each other, we cannot reproduce. Now each has different tasks, because one needs to bear a child and protect home, and the other one needs to feed the family.
For a man to do their jobs, they go out to get something well, killing other kinds, like animals and/or fish. Now, outside of their home is really really dangerous. They need to survive and come home no matter what it takes.
So, men's decision making process is kind of messed up. He needs to survive NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES. Even without his left arm, or both arms, or maybe a left leg so that he may have a little more chance to feed his family a little longer even less than he was able.
But, if his brain is dead, he is completely dead. So now, in order for him to come home, meaning to survive, his decision process is like: The whole 3 agrees, yep, agreed; his brain and heart agree but the body disagrees, saying like "I kinda don't want to, because my finger may be chopped off", then brain would go forward, losing a finger is way better off than losing the whole; and, this is really important, if brain says no, and heart and body disagrees, the brain still has the final say.
You wanna know why? Because in order for a survivor to survive, he needs to avoid conflict or otherwise kill the opponent. He needs to make sure he can either avoid a fight or kill the enemy. That's the way it's done. Period. If anybody disagrees to this, he can no longer survive. So, it's the end of his breed, if he didn't manage to reproduce by then.
Now, a woman side of decision making process is quite simple, ladies would not understand why we behave like this. In order for a woman to make sure to protect her home, she needs the whole set. She needs to breast feed her baby, she needs to collect fruits and vegetables, make her home comfortable, etc... I mean, because she needs the whole set to manage all these tasks that most of all our mothers do every day.
If her man dies, she would probably try to find another guy, or else she would keep her faith because she believes the lost one was her "the other half".
So, if all the 3: a brain, heart and body, say yes, yeah. If all the 3 negate, nah. Even if 2 agrees but the one negates, that's Nay. Yeah, it's really simple. By the way, I think ladies' process of thinking is way better than men. No wonder some wrote reports like "the men kind is a dying breed, and the women kind survives."
Well, the woman part is pretty much my guess. But that's my optimum answer just for now. Either you agrees or disagrees, ladies pretty much handle whatever pretty well, because there would not be any conflict between ladies.
This is my another point that women might survive and men might disappear. Mama always knows the best, right?
Now, I wanna make another point here, although I would try to make it precise and concise because it's rude to write a long and meaningless letter. I got really mad when a man came to me to say "Hello" nicely, because he violated my territory. No man, NO MAN shall violate my territory without no reason, I need to survive no matter what it takes. I am a successor and I need to protect my home, because I don't have a baby yet or even worse meet my soul mate yet. In order for me to have the dearest family, I need to shut my door so that any danger can come through.
Then I got really really mad because he was keeping watching my territory. What kind of mother f-ing behavior is that? You keep watching my f-ing territory for no reason, what kind of mofo is that? Huh? I needed a f-ing reason, and you didn't even say a MF word since I shut my f-ing door. That's why I cursed, and you kept your MF mouth shut and kept watching, so I got even more f-ing angry and cursed more and MORE.
And during the course of these f-ing cursing, I kept tapping your face picture for I don't know how many f-ing times. And your face picture, looking like taken when you were a 16? 17? year old? Because I tapped so many times? I became able to visualize your MF face. :)
And that's how the hell starts, right? Don't you think?
That's how my curse works. And I know how it ends. Either it hits you and I manage to harm you and the curse comes back to me and we both get hurt, or, I need to physically find you and come up to you to make sure that I survive, or dies by a good dead or alive fight.
Now I really don't want to f-ing do the physical part of my f-ing explanation, because I'm so f-ing tired and hungry and sleepy, but you know what? I can't rest because of you, because I need to survive this.
Unless your tits sucking tongue spells out a MF good reasonable reason, I will hunt you down wherever you are, literally, if you manage to have cock-sucking guts to kill yourself and go to f-ing hell with full of beast in there because of that, then I will go there, that's where you put me in, and I managed to survive and came back alive. Why would not I go there again, or would I?
And you know what I would do? I would make you a toy. If my guess is right, you once did it to me. Well, just a hunch. And then what I would do, you'd ask? I play with you. Just like a 3-year-old kid would do. Do you think I can harm you? I don't know, because I am not sure what I am made up of, physically, or mentally. But I will promise you this much. When you get hurt and broken somewhere, I will heal you and do the same thing over and over and F-ING OVER. Only the next time, a little less tenderly so that you would feel the enough pain for what I went through, I will make sure you will feel every MF inch of pain I felt back in there, I will do the same thing over and over again until you tell the truth.
And you know what the worst part is? You didn't harm me physically right? So, I won't physically harm you. I will hurt you mentally until you say one thing, one truth: Was I right? Not even who. REALLY simple. You come back to me and say one thing, then we both apologize and it's over, we may have a good conversation and manage to make friends each other, maybe. IDK. Let's give it a shot.
Or otherwise, I will do the above. I cursed, so I promise. That's simple. It will take time, cost and effort, but I will do. But with all the internet and SNS and MF images and videos, do you think it will take so much time and cost and effort before your natural cause of death? Test me. I am the last warrior, and the warrior's deadliest weapon is my mind. If you read the above, I think I made my point. That's my curse, and that's my cure, deal has been made thus far. Deal?
And, I just want the lady who I meant in this letter to tell him it's a good deal. If I am right, you are a good pre-school teacher. Well, only if my guess is right. I want you to tame him tenderly and nicely like a mother does, and convince him to learn a lesson. Because if my guess is right, it's how the human relation should be told, well, when a child is about 3, right? You know better than I do, I guess.
Anyways, that's all my point. And, you know what? I haven't eaten since my great breakfast my mother made and probably my mouth stinks like hell, and I haven't slept any more than 5 hours since I came back from the hell I went.
It's not a big deal and non of your business, maybe? But, I shall sleep like a beast and make another day a worth fighting a good fight, peacefully.
P.S. I will write another letter tomorrow I guess in the morning and will post by 1600 hour the day after tomorrow. If you ever wanna read it...
そして一連の呪いの過程で、お前の顔写真をタップし続けながら幾度となく呪ったんで、お前が16?17?ぐらいの時に撮ったものだよな?あんまりやりすぎてな・・・ 瞼の裏に視覚化できるようになっちまったわ、お前の顔をwww
しかし俺も上に書いた物理的な方法って奴は採りたくない。俺は疲れ果てていて腹が減っていて眠たくて・・・ でもな・・・ お前がそのままでいるから俺は休めねーんだわ。俺は生き残らなければならねーんでな。
そんで俺がなにするかわかるか?お前をオモチャにするんだよ。俺の予想が正しいなら、お前は俺をオモチャにしたよな?単なる勘だがな。で、何するか聞きたいか?3歳児がやるように遊ぶんだよ。俺がお前を傷つけることができると思うか?俺にもわからねえよ。俺がどれだけ強いのか俺にもまだわかってねえんだわ、これがwww 精神的にも、肉体的にも。だがこれだけは約束してやる。お前が傷ついたり壊れたりしたらちゃんと癒して同じことをほんの少しだけ弱い力で、だが確実に痛いぐらいの力で繰り返してやるよ。俺が向こうで感じた痛みを一寸残らず感じさせるぞ。お前が真実を話すまで、幾度となく繰り返す。
そしてここが重要なんだが・・・ この後俺は一旦呪いを解除したのだが、やっぱり思い直してやり直すことにした。25日時点の話しである。そしてそれは強くなっている。
This is important, but.... I dismantled the curse once later on, but I changed my mind and put it back on again. The beginning of the curse this time goes back to 25th of Dec., and it's getting stronger.
Well, this time, it's not exactly a curse par se... It's a karma, he started it, so he himself has to finish it. I just pushed something a little. And I will do what I wrote above until I get what I have been looking for. The Truth...
And this time... I guess it is even harder than the previous one. I will tell you later on this blog posts hopefully a week or so later, if you want to read on....
BTW, in case you wonder, if you are the lady I have been talking about, you are not cursed or I didn't mean any harm to you whatsoever. You had your own reason, and it had to be done the way you did. If my guess is right, the way you acted was the part of the plan and you couldn't pick any other choices.
Please do understand the difference. Or, when I ever meet you in the future, I will explain to you directly. And, you are the only one who can stop this other than him. I think you know that. It's probably the most peaceful way, although he could not let his mind away from his karma if you did.
ま、想像だけどね (*´▽`*)
I watched "The Revenant", a movie in which Leonardo DiCaprio performed the main character: Hugh Glass.
I would try to avoid the spoiler, but.... When Hugh Glass's son has gone, he first tried to die along his son, but he couldn't. This makes me wonder if he really hated the murderer.
I imagine, when he had to live a little longer, chasing the guy was the only purpose he could come up with. Not hating him, but ending the karma.
I suppose it was the fact driven. The guy killed his son, and it's the only fact by which he managed to keep his will of surviving, well, just a thought.... Just a thought... (*´▽`*)
Now if you are the "A" who I was talking about, you know what I mean by this. You guys didn't say anything to me while you two could explain what it all was, so, you became my purpose. YOU ARE THE REASON SHE DIDN'T COME TO ME. AND, THIS BECAME THE PUREST FORM OF HATRED, AND I AIN'T EVEN HATE YOU NO MORE. You are just a guy, who I need to chase so that I can assess what you are made up of....
・・・かわゆい・・・ (*´▽`*)
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- 紙タバコ
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